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and you'll receive at a significant discount:

- Unlimited access to Heptalysis for one year

- The ebook "Heptalysis Venture Assessment Framework"

- Step-by-step instructions on attracting Angels and Venture Capital

- Professional templates for business plans and executive summaries

- Assessment tools for business plan analysis

- Tools and resources to simplify planning and valuation decisions

- Membership in our venture industry community for networking and idea exchange.

    The Heptalysis Model: How It Works


Heptalysis identifies, and independently weighs and grades the seven most important contributing elements to a venture’s success:

1) Market Opportunity
2) Product/Solution
3) Execution Plan
4) Human Capital
5) Financial Engine
6) Potential Return
7) Margin of Safety

How Important is Each Element?

Of course, investment decisions are entirely subjective and cannot be generalized. However, Heptalysis allows entrepreneurs, consultants and investors to develop, test and standardize their own internal model, customized to their own venture needs.

You begin by assigning a numeric value to each of the seven elements. These weights will describe the relative value of each element to the venture’s overall success. In other words, how important is each element to the venture’s success? These weights can represent the opinion of a single decision maker, or a synthesis of opinions from a group of experts using a group decision technique.

Heptalysis then uses a heptagonal spider graph to visualize the assessment results. Each axis in the graph represents one of the contributing elements.

The model will show how well each of the seven elements contributes to the venture’s overall success.


Answer Simple Questions; Gain Sophisticated Analysis

The software prompts you to answer an in-depth series of questions that score each element’s ability to fulfill its function or promise. These questions differ slightly depending on the industry and revenue stage of the venture.

Based upon your answers, Heptalysis actually graphs the viability of each of the seven elements. A graph is constructed so that a perfect investment opportunity corresponds to a fully symmetric heptagon as shown below in yellow. However, most investment opportunities will have a deformed shape. For instance, the purple shaded area below denotes a venture with a high risk margin, and a questionable financial engine.

In addition, the Heptalysis model can capture your confidence level in each aspect of the assessment. In the following graph the blue line represents the score of the elements. The red line represents the confidence level relative to each score. Yellow represents areas of uncertainty. The image on the right shows a perfect level of confidence.

By calculating viability scores against confidence level scores, the Heptalysis model will determine the venture’s overall fitness score.


The Heptalysis Model: What You Get

Along with the Heptalysis program, we have launched a community of venture industry stakeholders for networking and idea exchange. We call it the Heptalyzer Club. Here’s the full package you receive when you join the Heptalysis community of entrepreneurs, investors and analysts:

  • Unlimited access to Heptalysis; use it as often as you wish
  • Heptalysis Venture Assessment Framework, an eBook that works with the program
  • Step-by-step instructions on how to gain Angels and Venture Capital Financing
  • A variety of professional templates to help you plan, submit and pitch your venture
  • Assessment tools for business plan analysis
  • Tools and resources for planning and valuation decisions
  • Discounted pricing – limited to launch phase only!





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